Am I Vain for Covering Up?
by Rebecca Dawe
Everyone knows that society favours the beautiful and it’s not a recent phenomenon, only our interpretations of what we think is beautiful changes through history and geography. Whether you like it or not we are programmed to notice what is different and we all discriminate; it’s part of our internal defence system. In evolutionary terms it’s called survival of the fittest.
Being drawn to the most attractive is instinctive and simply part of our constitution and as a result, hours and billions of pounds are spent on grooming, makeup and plastic surgery. It’s well documented that better looking people have considerable benefits in all aspects of life, overall you earn more, are more successful at work, have more attractive and educated spouses etc. So, it’s hardly surprising that women still do not talk about hair loss because our crowning glory is a sign of beauty, health and success and although we have become accustomed to male baldness because we see it all the time, we are not so used to seeing bald women.
I accept it is still very hard for men but at least it’s acceptable… so, as women, surely we should make a stand and show the world how often women have hair loss too? We should be supporting each other and making it easier for others to come out. Show our heads, be proud and courageous and show the world beauty comes from within?
I have massive respect for women who are comfortable to do just that. I look awful with no hair and it does not make me feel good. Wanting to make the most of your appearance is not vanity. Vanity is an ugly word used to describe a conceited, over admiration of yourself. It is not vain for wanting to be slim, wear make up, highlight your hair or shave your legs. The point is that you should be able to do whatever makes you feel confident and better about yourself - do what you like and have fun with it!